Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Hanging Out The Sign...

Welcome all! This blog will be a running set of observations, musings and pronouncements about fishing in flowing water (mostly with a fly rod ..) for trout, smallmouth bass, large stumps and other intractable objects. There will be essays on fishing as metaphor for the meaning of life, essays on fishing as the key to world peace and harmony between all and essays on fishing methodology, mythology and pathology.

Along the way, we will profile and discuss trout streams in Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Wisconsin, Oregon, Iowa and other equally exotic locales and we will explore flowing water smallmouth opportunities in Pennsylvania and the Upper Midwest. There will be tips on how to be a more successful angler and there will be protracted rants on the virtues (or lack of same) of various fly patterns, fly fishing equipment and accoutrements and various and sundry angling methods. And much, much more..

Most of all though, there will be an ongoing celebration of our streams and rivers and the fisheries they provide and the joy to be found in each and every one.

So, watch this space! There's lots more coming and soon...

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